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I am so thankful God works that way in my life, too!* * *
Last night -- well, it was really early this morning as it was 3:00 a.m. -- my husband and I laid in the dark bedroom next to each whispering about how God is pulling and tugging on our lives. My husband, in particular, said he feels God's tug on his life but doesn't yet know which direction to take. He admitted to feeling a bit frightened by this tug because, he said, it will have a HUGE impact on his life and will pull him towards a radical, life-changing direction.* * *
Currently, my husband is reading a book about the man who started up "Promise Keepers." This man felt God's tug and pull in a very BIG way, too...but nearly ended up losing his wife over it. It took away time from his family in order to make Promise Keepers successful, and it nearly cost him his marriage.* * *
My husband and I discussed that although we feel that his radical life change won't involve the publicity and popularity of Promise Keepers, it will, indeed, involve a radical life change. My husband and I discussed my needs and his needs, as well as our children's needs, and how all of these might fit into his higher calling in life.* * *
Finally, we just stated that we would be willing to be led wherever God led us...but through the honest autobiographies of such men as the founder of Promise Keepers, we are aware of some of the pitfalls that come with such a committment.* * *
I just want to thank the Lord for guiding us and leading us. I pray that His hand would gently tug and pull us towards His will for us as a couple, as parents, and as fellow Christians who both desperately want to reach out and serve.* * *
"So I say to you, 'Ask and it will be given to you. Seek and you will find. Knock and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and everyone who seeks shall find, and to him who knocks, it will be opened." Luke 11: 9-10
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