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But what, really, is Easter all about? I can tell you it's far more than a floppy-eared bunny hopping down the bunny trail...it's about Jesus Christ and his death on the cross for MY sins (for YOUR sins), and His powerful, never-before-seen resurrection Sunday!
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Easter Sunday...let's try this again. Sunday morning sunrise service. Breakfast of hot pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausage links and orange juice while conversing with a fellow church member. Sunday School lesson about Jesus' ultimate act of love for me (for you)...and church service.
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Actually, the church service was replaced with our first attempt at the church's nursery room. Six toddlers and just as many helpers...we did our best.
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Then it was lunch at a church family's home, and a long car drive out of town. I'm in trial for the next few days, and I needed to get to my hotel tonight to begin trial at 8:00 a.m. sharp on Monday.
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I'm actually sitting in my hotel room now. I was assigned a room right off of the indoor pool. The girls and I enjoyed a refreshing swim this afternoon while my husband dozed in front of the hotel's television. Then we all enjoyed a fried chicken and jojos meal from the local supermarket, and the girls and my husband were back in the car and drove the hour-and-a-half distance back to our home.
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I'm exhausted. It isn't even 9:00 p.m., but my body is ready for bed.
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Thank You, Lord, for this wonderful Easter Day...the first Easter Day we shared as a believing family, the first Easter Sunday my husband was excited to get up at the crack of dawn and head to church to praise our Lord and Savior.
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I want to thank you, Lord, for leading us and guiding us. Can I bemoan one more thing on such a joyous day? I hate to travel away from my children and my husband. I hate sleeping in hotel rooms that smell funny and make funny noises all night. I hate to kiss my loved ones good-bye so that I can spend time in court. Don't get me wrong, Lord...I am SO thankful for my job. You were so good to provide it in the first place. But I am complaining to you that I miss my family, miss my bed, miss snuggling up next to my husband. I miss the sounds MY home makes.
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Please, Lord...make a way for me not to have to travel away from my family. It's really, really hard on a working mom to be away from her loved ones. And please, Lord...make my fingers work strong and hard tomorrow so that they don't konk out and ache by 3:00 p.m. and I still have hours in my trial left to report. And then get up and do it all over again the next day. But I DO thank you for the income it brings in to help support my dear family.
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Be with my family tonght as we are apart one from another. Amen.
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