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Well, it's going great overall. The older, more mature Christian women are sidling up alongside newer, younger Christian women and encouraging them through scripture, songs, poems, etc. It's been a real blessing for one pair, in particular. * * *
The mentor is a 50-something female who is homebound due to medical issues. She joined the group feeling lost and without a sense of purpose, feeling cut off from her world, as well. This mentoring program is just the ticket for her. She has time and energy to sit at her computer, log onto her online world of fellow Christian women, and reach out to her mentee in a very real and consistent manner. * * *
This mentor contacted me yesterday and shared her story. Her mentee, who joined the online group a while back, has been learning about God and His Holy word through a more personal and one-on-one basis. Things she might not have felt comfortable sharing in a large group environment, she was willing to share one-on-one with her mentor. Just within the past days, this mentee admitted to having been involved in a homosexual relationship for quite a while now, even belonging to a church that taught that homosexuality is okay in God's eyes. But through her mentor, she has come to realize how wrong this is in God's sight and has completely changed her life around. * * *
Apparently, this mentee had been living with her lover for years. There was a very deep love for one another. So when the mentee turned her life over to Christ a few days ago, this really turned her life around. She moved out of their shared apartment, attended a new church for the first time in years, and is so bent on becoming like Christ that she is changing everything about herself, even her name. * * *
What a marvelous testimony of how God is using this mentoring program! * * *
So when I think about my inadequacies in my own life, that maybe I shouldn't pursue a mentoring program at my church, I need to think of this mentor/mentee pair and how God has used their blossoming friendship to encourage a lost soul to the Truth, the Way, and the Life! * * *
Praise the Lord for this ministry! * * *
Lord, a fellow Christian believer and I are praying about starting up a mentoring program at our church. We are full of questions, filled with a desire to please You but also realizing our shortcomings in our own lives. So I ask that if this mentoring program is Your will, that You would just move into our souls, touch our hearts, and give us a strong desire to move forward with our planning for the mentoring program. I ask this in Jesus' name, Amen.
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