I was lying in bed last night pondering the last 249 days. God has really, really, REALLY worked mightily in my marriage and in my life.
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When I began this blog, when I began pouring out my heart and soul to the Lord, crying out for Him to draw me close once again, and begging Him to move in mighty ways in not only my life but my marriage and my family, He answered BIG TIME.* * *
I started off in the wilderness, afraid and unsure and lost. And today, I am in a peaceful valley where God and I walk hand in hand.* * *
My husband was saved! That is, to me, THE most wonderful thing God has done for me and my family since beginning this journey to rediscover God and His will for my life. And if that had been the ONLY thing God had done for us during these past 249 days, that would be sufficient.* * *
But that isn't the only thing, is it? I have full-time, steady employment now that pays our bills and sustains our financial status...my husband has a new job that allows him to spend time with the family and gives him regular days off to rest and rejuvinate...we found a new church and have been SO blessed by the members and the pastor's mighty sermons, I began a women's online mentoring program that is working out fabulously, and I will begin, with the help of a church friend, a women's mentoring group at our church...as well as countless other ways in which the Lord has come alongside of us and blessed us and loved on us in return.* * *
So when I pray and ask God to continue guiding me, worried that I might become stagnant in my walk with Him and not heed His voice and calling on me, I need to look back and consider everything the Lord has done for me in the past 8 months.* * *
I am glad that I am keeping this blog...because it is a constant and very real reminder of how God can turn a family around, turn a life around, in the blink of an eye...if only we ask.* * *
Looking forward, my earnest prayer is that God would continue to teach me about faith and grace, and that He would lead us as a family in a very powerful way. Amen.* * *
Hosea 14:7 says, "The people will return and live beneath his shade." Israel, the Northern Kingdom that had abandoned God's covenant, would return to God....just like me.
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