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My middle daughter saw how sad I was at the prospect of having my 40th birthday, so she decided the night before my big day to throw a birthday bash in my honor! She not-so-secretly borrowed my cell phone, went through each contact, and called or texted my friends to invite them to a surprise birthday part to be held the following evening. She spent the next day cleaning our home for the company that would arrive. * * *
And then -- this part still makes me giggle -- early in the afternoon, she requested that I drive her to the local party supply store so she could pick out some party balloons and crepe paper in order to decorate. Oh, and could I bring along my checkbook? So cute! I drove her to the party store, waited in an aisle while she picked out some wonderful black balloons and black crepe paper, paid for the items with one of my last checks, and then drove to a local grocery store and bought a birthday cake, as well. * * *
Although I was now aware of the birthday party plans, she refused to tell me who was coming and at what time. I spent my afternoon doing laundry that was piled up on the kitchen floor, just off of our laundry closet, washing dirty dishes in the sink, and sweeping and vacuuming the house. By 4 o'clock, the house was clean and I was preparing for my BIG night. I even left the home so that middle daughter could set up all of the decorations so that would be a surprise for me, too. And while I was off visiting a dear friend of mine and enjoying coffee and conversation, my husband had returned from his day at work and busily set about purchasing pizzas and chips and drinks and other goodies for my get-together. * * *
At the appropriate time, I drove back home. The front yard had yellow caution tape surrounding it, saying "Beware! Someone's turned 40!" The narrow city streets intersecting at my home were full of parked cars. My heart skipped faster, and as I entered my home, seeing all of the wonderful party decorations, balloons, and flowers, my friends yelled out "Happy Birthday!" * * *
It was a fine event, for sure. And it was all so wonderfully pulled off by my 11 year old daughter. I was so thankful she devoted herself to doing this for me! I couldn't believe how many friends had been able to attend last minute! Some of those I have been friends with for over 15 years, some of them new friends from our new church, and even the pastor and his wife! I was astounded that so many people care enough for me to come! Thank you, middle daughter, for making me feel so honored and loved on my 40th birthday!
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