Psalm 77:1 - 3

"I cried out to God with my voice -- To God with my voice; And He gave ear to me. In the day of my trouble I sought the Lord; My hand was stretched out in the night without ceasing; My soul refused to be comforted. I remembered God, and was troubled. I complained, and my spirit was overwhelmed." Psalm 77: 1 - 3

Monday, May 9, 2011

Days 266 - 268 My Mother's Day

Yesterday was my 16th Mother's Day! I love, love, love being a mother. When I was a little girl, that was my favorite game to play, "Okay, I'm the mommy, and you're my baby," I would say to my little sister...or the neighbor kids who were younger. When my husband and I had our first date and he asked me what my dreams were, I honestly blurted out, "To be a mother and wife." I figured it was best to be honest and upfront in today's day and age when so many women had goals of being president of a large corporation, or CEO of some blossoming business on Wall Street. That statement didn't shake my husband to the core, as it had with previous boyfriends who were looking for more of a career-driven woman in their lives. In fact, my husband stated that my honest declaration to him was an instant turn-on. He was looking for a wife and a mother for his children.

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Mother's Day is by far my favorite day of the year. Ask my children or anyone else I know how much I honor being a mother, how much I relish that title and occupation more than anything else this world has to offer.

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My 16 year old daughter gave me a lovely gift of expensive herbal teas with a new tea infuser. These teas didn't come from a supermarket shelf and sold by the pound. No, these fancy teas are sold in their leaf form, with herbs and dried fruits mixed in. My middle daughter had made a handmade Mother's Day card that celebrated me being her mom, and she even cooked me a tasty scrambled egg and bacon on a toasted bagel sandwich. Yummy! And my toddler gave me lots of hugs and kisess and shouted, "Happy Mufer's Day, Mama!" My husband had to work all day, but I didn't mind spending time one-on-one with my three girls.

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Yesterday, instead of lounging around the home and relaxing as I should have -- I'd been up for hours the night before with tummy problems -- I delved into spring cleaning a room or two, as well as planting my vegetable garden with the help of the girls. It really, really was the BEST of days. I will treasure these hard-working and productive, as well as fun, days that we four gals share together. One day, my children will be grown and gone, and I will long for their laughs and sounds to fill my home once again.

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Saturday morning, a neighbor friend, who is just weeks away from expecting her new baby, asked me to come and help her prepare her home for the new arrival. I spent hours cleaning her home, scrubbing furniture, organizing and preparing a few rooms. I wish I would've had a more servant-like attitude...unfortunately, I was a bit angered that one of my precious days off was spent cleaning another woman's home...especially since this woman is so pampered that she has the luxury of staying at home all day long. I asked God to forgive my anger towards my neighbor friend and to help me pour myself into the task before me wholeheartedly. Here's a woman whose husband caters to her every need and desire, provides a home for her to live in, food on the table, and is a hardworking, tender, and sensible man...and she stands there and complains to me about how rough her life is.

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Thank the Lord I made it through without saying something mean back at her, or shouting at her to try my life for one week...I was calm, gentle and, in the end, a good friend. I was a bit sad that I didn't have the energy to clean her whole home, but only made it through three rooms in her house before it was time to take myself and my toddler home for a late lunch and nap.

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One more thing: My husband telephoned his mother yesterday. At the end of their conversation, I could hear them making plans for her and her husband and a Russian friend to come to my home and stay several nights in June. This is an answer to prayer! My husband and I have been praying for a restored relationship between my mother-in-law and I for weeks now. Although I am joyous that she is opening up and willing to come stay, I am nervous that she will behave badly towards me, and my husband will do nothing about it. I am praying that the Lord just restores this relationship 100% on everyone's end so that our family can enjoy get-togethers with one another in the future.

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Oh! Late last week when my husband and I studied the bible and prayed together, he confessed that he would love for me to stay home at take care of the family and the home. Lord, you know what this family needs, so I pray that you lead us and guide us in regards to this. I trust in you. Amen.

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