Psalm 77:1 - 3

"I cried out to God with my voice -- To God with my voice; And He gave ear to me. In the day of my trouble I sought the Lord; My hand was stretched out in the night without ceasing; My soul refused to be comforted. I remembered God, and was troubled. I complained, and my spirit was overwhelmed." Psalm 77: 1 - 3

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Day 284 - Learning to Counsel

"Who are You to judge Me?" she retorted.

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She had asked me for advice and help regarding a situation. She was a single mom of a toddler, living with the toddler's father, and struggling in many areas of her life. AND...she said she was a born-again Christian.

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Now, had she been married, I would've advised her differently. But since she was claiming to be a Christian and she was living with her boyfriend in sexual sin, I reiterated to her God's word on fornication. I stated that she needed to get her life back in alignment with God's will, and then the blessings would follow. Living outside of God's will, and our lives are in a constant state of chaos and rebellion. I told her that God's commandments are given not to lord Himself over us, laughing maniacally like an evil scientist might: "mwaaaaa-haaaaa-haaaa!" No, the Lord gives us these boundaries and commands so that we might be safe and blessed.

* * *

The woman told me I was judging her, and who was I to judge her!? I was shocked, actually, at the anger in her voice. She stated, "Couldn't you have said, 'Maybe you aren't quite living the perfect life, but I will pray for you and your boyfriend.'"

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Nothing like modern-day Christians who won't look God squarely in the face! Instead, they'd rather God pat them on the back and say, "Oh, it's okay. Whatever your reasons are for sinning, I understand. Now go and have a blessed day!"

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It just floors me, really. Well, I don't even know how I could've approached this better? I play it over again in my mind and wish I hadn't offended her...but glad at the same time that someone has said it plainly to her: Fornication is a sexual sin, and the consequences are far-reaching.

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What she asked for and what she wanted were two different things. She asked for advice and guidance...which I gave...but what she really wanted was an "Atta, girl! It'll be okay! God loves you!"

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Lord, teach me to be a good biblical counselor...non-judgmental but at the same time speaking your words in truth and love. Amen.

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