Psalm 77:1 - 3

"I cried out to God with my voice -- To God with my voice; And He gave ear to me. In the day of my trouble I sought the Lord; My hand was stretched out in the night without ceasing; My soul refused to be comforted. I remembered God, and was troubled. I complained, and my spirit was overwhelmed." Psalm 77: 1 - 3

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 157 - Exhausted and Concerned

I know that we are not to be concerned about things, but instead place everything at the Lord's feet and trust that He will guide and lead us.

But I'm concerned and worried for my mother.

The doctor pulled Mom's post-mastectomy drains and tubes, and I don't think it was time. Poor Mom is now swelling from fluid buiild-up, and she has the chills. If it turns into a fever, that isn't good.

So tonight, she is back on the couch and I am back on the recliner.

I am worried, Lord. Her doctor has done some things to my mother that should never have been done, and I am bitter and angry with him. Lord, we trust this doctor to know the best course of treatment for my dear mother...and yet, he has let us down.

God, help us during this situation. Please, strengthen Mom's spirit, give her confidence in You throughout this...don't let my concern and worry show. Heal Mom's body. Help her.


My younger sister had surgery two weeks ago and is not doing well, either. I am worried for her recovery. Help her doctor know how to best treat her so that she may heal and feel well again. amen.


My family in Montana misses me dearly. I pray that You would comfort them and fill them with your peace until I arrive at home in 3 days time. Amen.


This afternoon, I ran errands with my father for hours on end. Although I was terribly car sick during the first hour or so, I thank the Lord that my father and I were able to be with each other as we accomplished a to-do list.

One item on the to-do list: sign my parents up at the local "senior" center. Ugh. that was hard. My parents....elderly? No way. But they seem excited at this new journey in their lives, so I pray that I would adjust to this switch in my brain.

Mom and I are praying together nightly. We are discussing scripture and having a wonderful time in each other's company. I am visiting with my sisters, visiting with extended family, as well. This was a good idea, coming out here.

Lord...give me strength. Amen.

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