Psalm 77:1 - 3

"I cried out to God with my voice -- To God with my voice; And He gave ear to me. In the day of my trouble I sought the Lord; My hand was stretched out in the night without ceasing; My soul refused to be comforted. I remembered God, and was troubled. I complained, and my spirit was overwhelmed." Psalm 77: 1 - 3

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Day 152 - I Have Chosen The Way of Truth

This is a photo of my husband and our eldest daughter. This was taken in early winter up in the mountains. This is about 30 minutes from our home on one-lane dirt road full of ruts and potholes.

This morning, Nanny showed up at the house with a package in her hands with the writings: Happy Birthday. It was for my husband. My heart fell. I'd forgotten! In all the busyness of preparing for my week-long absence from our home, I'd forgotten my husband's birthday. Ugh.

Well, at least he wasn't upset about it. We stood in the dining room, the littlest and I, and sang Happy Birthday song to him. The eldest sang along from the kitchen as she hurriedly prepared her school lunch. And then my middle child ran downstairs and said, "I remembered, Daddy...but you were in the shower when I remembered." wink, wink.

My husband and I hugged, and our toddler said, as she always does whenever he and I are hugging or kissing, "You mar-weed?" "Yes, Darlin, we're married. See our rings?" And then we have to show her our wedding rings. And then she makes one of us pretend to put a wedding ring on her finger, too. Sometimes she wants to be married to her father, and sometimes she wants to be married to me. It's rather funny.

Last night, we attended Wednesday night church again. The pastor is so knowledgeable. I just love how he preaches. We studied Abraham again, this time focusing on Isaac and God's command that Abraham sacrifice his only child.

This morning, when I came to work, my office calendar scripture for the day read: "I have chosen the way of truth." That's from Psalm 119:30.

That's what I've titled my journal entry for today, as well, because I am so glad to be choosing the way of truth for myself.

Thank you, Jesus, for calling me closer to you. Thank you for our new church home. Thank you for the pastor, the outreach programs at this church, and the members of this church who have welcomed us and made us feel so loved. Amen.

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