Psalm 77:1 - 3

"I cried out to God with my voice -- To God with my voice; And He gave ear to me. In the day of my trouble I sought the Lord; My hand was stretched out in the night without ceasing; My soul refused to be comforted. I remembered God, and was troubled. I complained, and my spirit was overwhelmed." Psalm 77: 1 - 3

Monday, January 3, 2011

Day 142 - Will Winter Never End?!

This is my truck in the parking lot where I work. It's 8:15 a.m.

Most days have been this dark, this cold, and this dreary.

Will winter never end?!

I don't think I've played outside in weeks. It's too cold!

Cold and cough season is officially upon us, as well, and one by one, each family member is taking their turn.

What I wouldn't GIVE to be in some tropical paradise right now, my bare feet in the warm sand, the ocean's tide gently rolling seashells over my toes...

Ah, well...only five more months to wait for warmth and sunshine.

I thank the Lord that our old furnace has been churning warmth throughout our home during these sub-zero days and nights. I thank the Lord for DVDs and books and board games that keep my family occupied. I thank the Lord that the only sickness to strike our household has been the common cold.

Lord, please give me a sunny and warm day to enjoy outside with my kids. Amen.

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