Psalm 77:1 - 3

"I cried out to God with my voice -- To God with my voice; And He gave ear to me. In the day of my trouble I sought the Lord; My hand was stretched out in the night without ceasing; My soul refused to be comforted. I remembered God, and was troubled. I complained, and my spirit was overwhelmed." Psalm 77: 1 - 3

Monday, September 27, 2010

Day 44 - Well, God, Here We Go!

When my husband and I lost our business, I was able to re-enter my former court reporting position that had never filled vacancy. However, I was hired back as a temporary employee for one year's time.
That one year expires on November 9th of this year.
I was informed by the judge that I would be "let go," but then re-hired five days later.
But early this morning, I received an email from Human Resources stating that my time "let go" would be a MINIMUM of five days and possibly much, much longer. is the change God is leading me through, I guess!
I am quite nervous as I don't yet have a backup plan in place for earning potential to help pay our bills. I am also very concerned for my toddler's nanny who has remained with us through many different work schedules and various amounts of pay. She loves Neathery dearly and treats her as her own granddaughter. This change will effect her, as well.
So if you are reading this...please pray...not only for me and my family...but nanny, as well.
Lord, I am nervous. Please guide me and lead me down the path that you have chosen for me. And guide nanny, as well...I am trusting in you. Amen.

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