Have you ever longed to be loved so dearly that you are likened to a "jewel" or "special treasure"?
In my marriage, I long for that! I want my husband to think of me as his most prized possession! And with my relationship with my children, I long for them to consider me a special treasure...like NO other...with a love for me that exceeds normal relationships.
But...we are human. We fail to show those we love the most how exceptionally wonderful they are, and how absolutely in LOVE we are with them. We can say hurtful words at times, or we can get grouchy and cranky. Thank goodness we also have times of hugs and kisses...or special occasions when a beautiful bouquet of flowers is given to show our love...or a hand-crafted card with words of love are spoken.
I love my children so much! On the day they were born, I counted their fingers and toes, snuggled them tightly at my breast and breathed in their scent...I spent hours just gazing at their beauty, at their uniqueness. And as they get older, I am amazed at their special talents and abilities. I tend to cry at their school performances because I'm so proud...or I will spontaneously hug them and tell them I love them! And because I love them so much, I take care of them, I provide for their needs, and I long to give them gifts that will make them happy.
I read today Malachi 3:17, where God says this: "They will be MY people...they will be my own special treasure"!
Other translations read this way: "They will be MINE...they will be my jewels."
How amazing! God loves ME and YOU so much that He likens us to jewels and treasure! I'm certain that because God loves us so much, he longs to care for us as I long to care for my own children...and I'm certain that because God loves us so much, He is willing to provide for us and care for our needs, as well. God's way of speaking to us is through His holy word, the Bible. Just open it up and you will find verse after verse about His love for us...His longing to take care of us...His longing to have a special relationship with US.
My prayer today is that I would continue to feel "special" in God's eyes and that I would realize the depth of His love for me...
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