We were able to visit on two separate occasions while I was in Ohio. She is truly an inspiration to me!
Heather was raised in a solid Christian home. She attended church regularly and loved every minute of it. Heather loved the Lord with all of her heart and soul, even back in our high school days.
Which is why it amazes me even unto this day that she became my friend. I was T-R-O-U-B-L-E in high school: drinking parties, foul language, involved with a boyfriend way too early, and I came from a broken home.
But despite these differences, Heather became my friend...through thick and thin. She taught me that I was loved, that God would guide me if I asked Him to, and she taught me how to become the person that I am today: in love with the Lord.
Heather wrote me scripture verses on bad days at school, took me to her church a few times, spent the night with me, and took me out for dinners when I would've been at parties with my other friends, if not for her.
Heather showed me unconditional love and a friendship that endures and grows even to this very day.
Looking back, I can't believe her parents allowed her to become my friend. I'm not so certain I would allow my own children to befriend someone like I was. In fact, I'm pretty certain that I wouldn't.
Heather stayed strong in her faith when so many others in our high school could not. She was set apart, even at a young age, for the Lord. She showed me how I could potentially live the same type of life, despite all of the mistakes I'd made.
Even after I'd moved away from my hometown, Heather continued to write me letters and send encouraging cards. When I would find my way back to my hometown every few years, we would get together and share our joys and our trials and tribulations. Each and every time, it was so apparent that the Lord was in total control of Heather's life, and the lives of her family members.
Heather and I shared many things over the years: first proms, first boyfriends and first heartaches, first years in college and our first real jobs, engagement rings and photos of our wedding days, our firstborn children and subsequent children. We've shared marital struggles and blessings beyond our imagination.
Heather was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma last year. She had a 50% chance. Throughout all of her treatments, her sickness from the treatments, and her pain, Heather remained strong in her love for the Lord. She encouraged everyone around her to continue believing in the Lord's provision and love, despite her diagnosis and prognosis.
Heather made it! She has been six months cancer free now. Praise the Lord!
Father God, I want to thank you so much for bringing Heather into my life all those years ago, for the shining example she has been to me, and the loving friend she is to me to this day. Amen.
"Oil and perfume rejoice the heart, so does the sweetness of a friend's counsel that comes from the heart." Proverbs 27:9
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