This morning, as our hot coffee was before us and our Bibles open on the table and our study guides ready, we studied Proverbs 6.
King Solomon sure was a wise man! He speaks of harlots and adulterers in this chapter, condemning them for their evil and tempting ways.
My husband thought this was quite funny because Solomon had, what, 600 wives and 300 concubines? Sorta didn't jive, in his mind.
But his message is perfect for a monogomous marriage, like mine.
I still cringe when I read words about adultery and how God hates the women who tempt the men into it. Because at one point in my marriage, I was so close to this myself. Thank the Lord I never followed through on it. But I understand how wives can be deceived into thinking that their marriages are so awful, their spouses so insensitive and hurtful, that being in the arms of another man will make all that pain go away.
Again, I praise the Lord it never happened with me.
I am still waiting to purchase my plane ticket out to visit my Mom. We should know today when she is scheduled for her mastectomy and chemotherapy treatments.
I have a wonderful friend that I met online several years ago when we were both expecting our daughters. She is an Independent Baptist pastor's wife. She has been a wonderful Christian woman to help guide me in matters that I don't understand...or question.
Just this morning, she encouraged me to begin tithing. She told me how God has blessed her family for it.
So I am anxious to begin my journey down the tithing path.
Lord, thank you for the time my husband and I spent kneeling before you in prayer, and for the time we spent snuggled up next to each other at the kitchen table studying your word. Please continue to guide us and lead us, give us wisdom in understanding and applying your word to our lives, and may we be a blessing to our friends and family around us. Amen.
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