Heroic Christian martyrs over the centuries did not ask to die. Dying was simply their final act of service in this world. The word "martyr" means witness. As Jesus, our door to heaven, was lifted up, those witnesses who suffer or die today for religious persecution remind us to escape the lure of our world and focus on eternity.
Here in the US we can keep a few Bibles and tracts in our locker at school, in our desk at work, or in the glove box of our car. There is no law against doing this. We can publicly pray to Jesus Christ, we can openly sing songs and worship Him, and we can spread the gospel without fear of retribution.
In other places around the world, such is not the case.
Modern-day martyrs are beaten, their homes are burned down, their family members are killed, and if perhaps they are left alive, they are disowned by not only their families but their own societies.
When Christians are attacked for living out their faith, they are left with nothing.
But we can share Christ's love with destitute, persecuted Christians by donating items and/or money to help a family in need.
And we can pray.
We can pray that our great country will remain a Christian-based country where we are free to worship Christ, and we can pray that other countries that are not so blessed will be granted reprieve of persecution and granted tolerance for the Word of Christ.
My children are amazed and disgusted at the horrific acts brought upon Christians around the globe. Thank you, Jesus, for opening our eyes to this abomination affecting millions around our world. I pray that we would "Remember the prisoners as if chained with them -- those who are mistreated," as we ourselves are in the body, also. Hebrews 13:3.
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