Part of me felt really awful. But part of me was like, "Hey, buddy! Can't you see that I need your help right now getting things prepared and in order before I leave for a week to Ohio to help my mother post-mastectomy?"
So my husband was upset and he ended up pouting on the livingroom sofa, playing a game...and not even helping. He might as well have gone. Ugh!
I really do feel bad that I forgot his birthday and that it didn't work out the way he expected in his mind. But he isn't 12 years old anymore. Reality is what reality is. I called my girls after their school day and asked them to bake a birthday cake and put up a sign for their father. Which they gladly did. But that wasn't enough, in my husband's eyes.
I tried to get dishes and laundry done last night while my toddler was throwing temper tantrums and not obeying. My middle daughter followed me around the house crying and feeling angry because I didn't allow her to go see an "R" rated play that all of her friends were going to. I bathed my toddler against her will...which isn't an easy task. I did ALL of this while my husband sat pouting on the couch and playing a hand-held computer game. Oi!!!
After yelling at husband to get up and at least play with the toddler while I was getting things done, I was able to calm down...thanks to the help of my friend who sent me calming scripture verses and her prayers.
I had resolved to make it up to my husband that night in bed...but as soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out like a light. I never gave him a proper birthday present like a good wife should.
Ugh, again!
Today I'm at my office drinking lukewarm coffee and trying to get my thoughts and actions for the day organized. Too much to do! I want to scrub the house clean for the family before I leave, do all of the laundry, make sure some meals are prepared and in the freezer, too.
My flight leaves at 5:45 a.m. tomorrow.
Another thing on my mind is that I felt led to ask some younger women if they would be interested in having a spiritual, Christian mentor to help them through their days...many responded that they desired a mentor...but not many women responded that they would be willing to BE a mentor. So that weighs heavy on my mind today, as well.
Oh, yeah...I nearly forgot to write about the title of my post. This song is an oldie but goodie.
Lift Jesus Higher!
Lift Jesus Higher, Lift Jesus Higher,
Lift Him up for the world to see...
He said if I be lifted up from the earth I will draw all men unto me.
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