I think I've already blogged about "joy." But I need to do so once again.
Because I can't find my joy...it comes in quick spurts over great periods of time.
I love when I feel joyful once again...only it leaves as quickly as it comes.
It seems that I'm criticizing my husband daily, my marriage daily, my home life daily, my job performance daily, my skills and abilities as mother, my housekeeping, etc...the list goes on.
When will I say, "I'm happy!"? And really, truly mean it? Because I'm so NOT happy.
So I will take this opportunity to list a few things that do make me happy, so I can focus on those and leave the rest behind:
- I love my children! No matter how much they can strain my last nerve, I adore them!
- I love my home. It's a beautiful antique Victorian.
- I love autumn and the beautiful fall colors on the deciduous trees.
- I love the smell of autumn, when the leaves fall to the ground in clusters and blow in the cool breeze.
- I love that I have a large roasting chicken in the oven, along with carrots and onions and celery.
- I love my washer and dryer.
- I love my dishwasher.
- I love my friends.
- I love my family.
- I love that I am getting closer to the Lord every day.
- I love that I can get a sick day off of work and still get paid.
- I love road trips.
- I love hot coffee in the mornings.
- I love when my toddler snuggles me and tells me she loves me.
- I love when my husband brings me flowers.
- I love when my husband cooks fabulous meals like grilled salmon.
- I love that my eldest daughter helps me so much around the house: laundry, scrubbing, cleaning...she's so good!
- I love that my middle child can make me laugh so hard!
- I love that I can read.
- I love quiet afternoons.
- I love my cough medicine!
- I love breakfast around the table as a family.
- I love movies that make me laugh.
- I love reading the newspaper.
- I love going for walks in the warm sunshine.
- I love my pillow.
- I love that my girls are all so intelligent.
- I love that I can go to church.
- I love this laptop computer.
- I love the smell that a homecooked meal makes.
- I love the sound of birds.
- I love the sound of the church bells ringing out the hours.
- I love my ability to shop clearance and sale racks...or used clothing stores.
- I love cell phones.
- I love my mother's ring that has a stone for each child.
- I love my Bible.
- I love quiet time in prayer.
- I love when God answers prayer.
- I love sidewalk chalk and the drawings my kids make.
- I love playing board games with my family.
- I love when my husband fixes up the house or a vehicle.
- I love going out to a movie.
- I love popcorn!
- I love a hot cup of tea in the afternoons.
- I love to watch my children sing in their school plays.
- I love to watch my children grow.
- I love my garden and flower beds.
- I love to kayak...most of the time.
- I love to hike in the mountains.
- I love to overcome obstacles in my life...and this part of my life is ONE BIG obstacle to overcome!
I really do feel better now....Thank you, Lord, for all of the above things in my life. They truly are blessings from you.
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