I used to believe that since I was a Christian, my life would be trouble-free. Wrong! I've struggled with one trial or another since becoming a Christian...and I'm not the only one. All throughout the Bible, from the Old Testament through the New, one believer after another has suffered through one or several major trials in their lives, as well as countless "mini" struggles.
For instance, I'm currently reading the story of Abraham and Sarah. Abraham and Sarah, despite being true followers of Yaweh and the True Faith, suffered barrenness for many, many years...and God had even spoken a great and marvelous promise that Abraham would have so many descendents that they would outnumber the sands of the ocean. At another point, Sarah was taken captive to be the King's wife. At another, Abraham had to wage war against another King who had taken his nephew, Lot, captive.
Abraham's marriage was not without its fair share of struggles, either. Despite God's promise of countless descendents, he and his beloved wife were barren. Marriage struggles ensued, Abraham took on a concubine, and thus ensued years and years of strife between not only Abraham and these two women, but his offspring and these two women.
There are countless other stories of Godly and Christian men and women of the Bible enduring their hardships.
Look at Esther...look at King David...look at the apostles of Jesus.
So although I'd like to believe that God and/or Jesus will make everything "right" in my life, that may not be the case.
My job situation may not work out for the better. But I trust that it can...if only it is God's plan.
I used to fear that my struggles in life were due to my lack of faith...as so many Christians have wrongly stated or accused me of.
It is only through my quest to understand God more and learn His ways that I realize the fallacy of this belief.
God does NOT promise sunshine and roses for His followers.
Instead, God promises that He will be with us THROUGH our struggles. That's where our real faith grows...through our struggles.
James 1 states this:
"Consider it pure joy...whenever you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverence. Perseverence must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. "
"And remember that I [Jesus] am with you...until the end of the age." Matthew 28:20
Lord, I pray that through my struggles and trials in this life, I may grow closer to you and learn to persevere through my faith. Amen.
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