When I was a child, I'd often see the local Amish farmers training their new horses. The farmer would put blinders on the young horse, along with a bit and bridle, and spend hour after hour training the horse to obey his commands.
At first, the young horse bucks and pulls away, not wanting to submit to the authority of the farmer.
But after much hard work, the farmer has tamed the horse into submitting to the gentle tugs of the bridle. Tug left and the horse turns left. Tug right and the horse turns right. The blinders are so important because, as you all know, the Amish pile in their wife and children into tiny little buggies attached to the horse...and drive down main roads with cars honking and semi-trucks grinding past. The horse cannot for one moment be frightened at what lies to either side of him...but must look forward only and press on toward the goal...with only the gentle tugs of the farmer's reigns to guide him.
Much is the same with my life, I am beginning to understand.
My Lord has to train me to follow His direction, to go where He is leading me. At first, I am like that young horse, bucking and tugging against the Lord's will. At first, I am a bit frightened to submit my will to His.
But life is like that highway full of cars and semi-tractor trailers speeding by me. It's like my husband and my precious children are all riding in a small, fragile buggie as I am being led by the Lord.
I cannot be afraid. I must obey His guidance. I must TRUST that the Lord knows how to lead me (and my brood)...despite the pitfalls that surround me.
Matthew 6:9-13: The Lord's Prayer.
"Our Father, Who Art in Heaven,
Hallowed Be Thy Name.
Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done,
On Earth as it is in Heaven.
Give Us This Day our Daily Bread,
And Forgive us our Sins As We Forgive Those Who Have Sinned Against Us.
Lead Us Not Into Temptation But Deliver Us From Evil One.
For Thine is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory...Forever and Ever! Amen."
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart...lean not on your own understanding...in all your ways acknowledge Him...and He will make direct your path!" Proverbs 3:5-6
Father, I pray today for your guidance. Teach me to go where you are leading. I am trusting in You. Amen.
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