My toddler woke up this morning at 5:33 a.m., nearly one hour before she normally wakes. Once she was up, she couldn't go back down.
So we snuggled in her twin bed together in the darkness, pulling the soft, thick comforter up and over our shoulders and even over our chins. We laid there giggling as my toddler said silly things like, "My armpits stink," or "I have bugs in my pants!" She would caress my cheek, whispering "I wuv you, Mama." Then snuggle her head into my neck.
My husband was sawing logs in our full-sized four-poster bed, and our two older girls were sleeping off a late night of watching a comedy movie called, "National Lampoon's Vacation" with Chevy Chase. As I was drifting off to sleep, I could hear their giggles.
I was dressing for work when I realized, "Crud! It's only Thursday and NOT Friday!" I'd totally thought it was Friday and I was so ready for the upcoming weekend. :)
I bathed my toddler, gently washing her body and singing our bath song, "Wash-a-wash my baby gi-irl!" She sang along. She hates when I wash her hair, but this morning I let her drink her morning milk bottle in the bathtub, so she had that stuck in her mouth and didn't scream as I poured the warm water over her head.
My husband was awake now and sat in the bathroom watching our routine. He enjoys talking about things while I bathe in the tub or when I'm bathing the toddler. We have some really good conversations at these times. This conversation happened to be how proud he was of himself for learning how to run a front-end loader at work. My husband was raised with a silver spoon in his mouth (he comes from avery wealthy family), so his skills at running heavy equipment are pretty much nill. I was proud of him. What a very "manly" thing for him to learn. And he was so proud of himself, too.
Anyhow, I didn't have time to read my Bible this morning, but I thank the Lord for my family this day, for our warm home, for our refrigerator full of food, for our jobs and the health of my children. I pray this day that God would guide me and lead me...and that He would forgive my sins and draw me nearer to Him. Amen.
EDIT: Okay, I'll fess up and admit that I'm scared about my job situation, that once hired, I'll be earning $600 less per month that I am currently earning...and I'll admit that I sometimes get nauseous thinking about "How will we pay our bills?"
And so I MUST trust God...knowing that all things work together for those who love the Lord. (Romans 8:28)
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