I admit it: I see a counselor. His name's Eric, and he's an old hippie! Well, he's not THAT old, but he's a "former" hippie, that is...
Eric has long gray hair, balding at the temples. His long, silver hair is always held back in a ponytail. He wears blue jeans and button-down shirts with leather sandals or tennis shoes. He sits in his chair with one leg up over the other, and leans back in a very relaxed kind of pose.
He doesn't take notes but rather grabs his pen and yellow binder from his nearby desk to write a few things down, then puts the tablet back on his messy desk.
His office has house plants strewn throughout. I couldn't even tell you the types. But they're on his windowsill, they're on his filing cabinets, they're on the floor next to his bookshelves.
He has photos of wildlife framed and proudly displayed.
Eric is sooooo laid back. He's one of the gentlest men I know. And when he laughs, it's this deep bellow from his bulging belly.
Sometimes his glasses are dirty and smeared. No matter.
Anyhow, Eric and I had a session yesterday. It's good to discuss things with a non-biased person who can give me a perspective on life that I can't seem to figure out for myself.
For instance, after telling him for the hundredth time how much I HATE working full-time, the stress of that plus taking care of my brood, is just wearing me down like water can wear down a rock.
Eric finally says to me, "You only have one life to live. Live it the best you can. Minimize your stress as best you can."
This morning, when I was reading the Bible, I read Ephesians 5:15: "Be very careful, then, how you live -- not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity."
Wow. Thank you for that reinforcement, Lord.
Now, if You'd be so kind as to show me the way?
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