I don't know how else to title today's blog but state that it's "Thursday," LOL.
My husband was home yesterday evening and we spent some good family time together. We ate leftover chili, did some dishes, and then washed up the children, tucked them into their beds, and went to bed ourselves. It was so nice to have my spouse next to me the whole evening through. We discussed our days, we laughed at funny things the children did, and we relaxed out back on our lounge chairs in the sprinkling (chilly) rain and ate a bowl of popcorn. I even got to say, "Good night."
It's so weird that we spent the last 11 months (or so) not being able to do that kind of stuff together...as a family. And here we have the opportunity to behave like a REAL family once again. Thank you, Lord.
I woke up this morning, made some coffee, and stood next to the refrigerator looking at old photographs of my older girls when they were quite young. In fact, one photograph is of my 10 year old daughter when she was under one year old. She's in her bathing suit, with her pacificer dangling out of her mouth, and she is throwing the worst temper tantrum! It's just too cute!
Another photo shows my older two girls about five years ago, posing for a photograph together at a scenic look-out here in Montana...mountains behind them. I remember that trip clearly.
And yet another shows my youngest daughter when she was but a tiny little thing, barely old enough to open her eyes and look around.
My! Time flies!
I immediately thanked God for my girls. But I had one request: "Please, Lord, give me more time with them before they're grown and gone." Because my eldest is nearly grown and gone...my middle child is growing legs like a young foal...and my littlest is jumping hurdles daily...all while I'm working full-time.
God, you know that you called me to be a mother from a young age. I knew it when I was a little girl. I played "Mommy" to my dolls, took care of the neighborhood children, and had a deep desire to be my own mother one day.
I take this job very seriously. I'm not like other moms who cry out frantically, "I can't WAIT until these children are gone!"
No, I long to be with them, to share memories with them, to help them grow and become women of God.
Please, if it is your will, let me have more time with my children before they're grown...and gone.
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