I have an inspirational calendar on my desk at work. It was given to me by a very dear friend about two Christmases ago. You flip the page to the current date, and there is a short scripture and inspirational message.
Today's scripture: "The water I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water sprininging up into everlasting life." John 4:14.
Have you ever heard of pioneers or peoples of the ancient days who trekked through vast deserts or over mountains and through valleys, struggling all along the way and trying to find a place to call "home"? Whether they were pioneers in the mountains or shepherds in the desert, their homes had to be located near a source of water. Without water, we cannot live.
I believe the same is true with our walk with Jesus Christ. He is our soul's source of water...and without this source of water, we shall surely die.
I need to make my "home" near Christ...drink from his fountain daily to sustain my soul. If we don't drink from Christ's fountain daily, our souls begin to parch, to dry out...and after days and days without water, our organs shut down. Our vision becomes blurred, and we can't see clearly. We may even see mirages...but they aren't real.
So I need to come to the everlasting fountain daily, to keep my soul well-nourished and hydrated...which then gives me clear vision throughout my day.
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