Did you ever enjoy something so much that you wanted to share it with the world? Well, that's me. I love eco-parenting so much, I want to share it with the world, too.
A few years ago, I wanted to start up a cloth diapering service in town. I'm a HUGE advocate for cloth diapers...and I was trying to figure out a stay-at-home job so I wouldn't have to place my youngest into daycare system. This home business seemed perfect! I would set up an extra washer and dryer in my basement and start doing business! I bought business cards, some basic items necessary to start up such a business, put out just a couple brochures...and then moved. Ha Ha! We packed up and moved to another town.
Ten years ago, I wanted to start up a business called "Helping Hands," where I would, for a small fee, clean your home and cook a meal for you. Maybe even do your grocery shopping and errand-running, as well. I thought it was the PERFECT idea...until I shared my idea with my former pastor...who basically reamed me and told me that if I were a true Christian, I'd do it all for free.
So I went back to an office job part-time instead.
And now...I'd like to start a local group for moms who are interested in being more eco-friendly...and doing a diaper business...and selling my own cloth diapers using up-cycled materials. I'd like to sell earth-friendly feminine cloth products, too.
But it seems everywhere I turn, there's a door slammed in my face...or somebody says, "That would never work."
I would like to quit my 8-5 day job and stay home again with my children., My eldest is nearly grown and gone...my middle child will be facing some tough peer pressure problems...and my youngest child is being reared by someone else.
Part of me says, "Kim, be thankful for your job! It pays good money...provides wonderful health benefits and retirement plans. Your children are JUST FINE."
But another part of me is screaming to fulfill my dream.
So...I will pray over the next year...asking God to guide me and direct me. If this dream of mine lines up with His will for my life, may it happen! If not, I pray that He would close all doors.
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