"Where Is Love" is a song sung by Oliver in the play "Oliver Twist." If you're not familiar with the story, Oliver is an orphan boy who endures much hardship in his young years. He sings this song at a time when he longs for a mother to hold him, to love him, to smile at him like only a mother can.
My middle daughter is currently playing the role of Oliver in "Oliver Twist." And last night was her opening night in the play. When the time came for her to sing her solo, "Where Is Love," the whole audience was silent. Her voice was melancholy and clearly longing for "love." As her mother, my heart was stung...thinking, "But I'm here! You HAVE love!"
I have been thinking quite a bit lately about orphans, foster parenting and/or adoption. I browse the Internet looking at photos of abandoned and hurting children and think: My arms would hold them. My heart would love them. I will take care of them and feed them, rejoice in their school plays and praise them for As on their homework assignments.
I wonder if our Lord and Savior feels the same way about us? I wonder if the Lord sees our hurts and our anguish, our abandonment and our poverty, and says, "But I'm here! You HAVE love through me!"
If only we, as humans, would ALL learn to turn to His love...we would never feel abandoned or lost again.
And I truly believe that God uses others on this earth to show this love of His, as well. When an abandoned child from Africa loses his parents to AIDS, and a fine couple from England adopts this child and loves him and cares for him...or if there is a sibling group whose parents have lost custody of the children through drug abuse...and an American family opens their tiny home up and provides food, clothing, safety and love.
Father God, you have placed adoption/fostering on my heart. If it is your will, may you lead us to the child(ren) that You have in mind for us to take in and show love towards. Amen.
James 1:27:
"Religion that God our Father accepts and pure and faultless is this: to look after widows and orphans in their distress."
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