Maybe it's because I was raised in a dysfunctional home and things were never peaceful or at rest that I long for the excitement of adventure in my own adult life.
Maybe it's because God is forever calling me for more, more, more...and I am SO excited to serve!
Sitting at my office desk Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., sure is a nice way to pay my bills and provide health insurance...but I long for adventure and a sense of purpose beyond my office walls.
Work all day, walk into the house at 5:30 exhausted and cranky...tired by 8:30 p.m. so I hit the hay...and do it just the same way five days in a row.
Weekend hits and I'm a zombie in my jammies all day Saturday...barely able to get through my day because I need time to unwind and relax. Sunday rolls around, hop out of bed, throw breakfast on the table, hop in the car and go to church, then it's nap time, then I have a few hours to spend before it's dinner and bed.
And then Monday morning comes once again!
I swear, it's like the movie "Groundhog Day," where the alarm goes off and every single stinking day is the same routine.
I really don't think I can do this for the next 10 years. I will literally go insane.
God, you have created me with a sense of adventure and a sense of deep purpose here on this earth...and I am sitting in my box-shaped office typing out reports and sitting in trials. I really do appreciate this job, don't get me wrong. It pays our bills, buys us groceries, and gives us much-needed health insurance.
But...is this it? Same thing day in and day out?
Seriously...am I forever to be waking up and thinking, "Ugh...not again."
Please, guide my life. Guide my husband's life. Lead us. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.
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