All of these various roles I play can suck my energy levels and zap my emotions. They also use up every last second of my day.
Where does "Godly Christian Woman" fit into all of this? Sometimes, it's a role I don't have much time to play during my busy days.
I have not been reading my Bible every morning. I have not been on my knees in prayer lately. What I've had time to do is read a quick scripture verse, meditate on its words for but a moment, and say frequent "popcorn" prayers throughout my day.
I long to have regular and steady quiet time with the Lord...but also with myself.
How does a mother of three, a wife, a full-time employee, and a volunteer have time to do this?
It's not a balance I've been able to figure out for more than a few weeks at a time. As always, the cares of the world creep into my quiet time, the time I should be spending in prayer on my knees or in the Word of God.
But I hope God understands. I think He sees that I'm up with my toddler sometimes twice a night...or late to bed because my teenager needs to talk about her life issues...or I'm just so beat at the end of the day that when dinner is over and the kids are washed up, I collapse into my bed instead of getting on my knees.
I thank the Lord for this time in my life where I am mother to three busy and demanding girls. I thank the Lord for my full-time job that pays our bills and provides health insurance and accrues retirement. And I thank the Lord that I can volunteer even what little spare time I have to being a Big Sister to Elisabeth, through Big Brothers Big Sisters.
I am not Super Woman. I never will be. Thank God I am a Forgiven Woman!
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