"If I speak in the tongues of men
and of angels
but have not love
I am a noisy gong or a
clanging cymbal.
If I have faith that can
move mountains
but have not love
I listen to a Christian radio station daily. Currently, the station announcers are asking for people to call in and tell them how they do amazing things to show love for others.
I thought of the missionaries who travel to the remotest parts of our world in order to preach the gospel. That's always interesting to listen to. But I am always a bit fearful for myself in thinking I could do that. I couldn't. God did not equip me to do so.
I think of those who form organizations to help the needy, and daily they are giving of their time and their money for a worthy and noble cause. But that's not me, either. I have a husband and three daughters to raise...and no money! Nope, that's not me, either.
I think of those who walk so closely to the Lord that they lay hands on the sick and they are healed. Nope...not me. Sometimes I feel that my connection to the Lord is more like a slow dial-up internet signal that has lots of beeps and blurbs and sometimes gets lost in outerspace.
So I was thinking about how I show love for others...how my family shows love for others...and I have realized that we do small things in our every day lives that make a big difference.
Like the time I had my two older children at a grocery store when they were very small (one strapped into the infant seat up front and one sitting in the cart), and we came upon a very old woman wearing a kerchief on her head like a German peasant woman. I smiled at her. She smiled back a weary and tired smile. I paused after I'd passed her by and thought, "I need to pray with her right now." And I did. Right there in the middle of the grocery store, I approached her and said, "Ma'am, my name X, and these are my daughters. I was wondering if I could hold your hands and pray with you today."
Her eyes opened wide and a large grin spread across her wrinkled face. "Oh, yes, dear. You see, my husband has passed away and I am very sad today as I think of him."
I prayed a very earnest prayer for this dear woman...and we parted company. I never saw her again.
I have been in line at the grocery store before and paid for the groceries of the person ahead of me because she had forgotten her checkbook.
I have sent meals to those who are ill...cleaned homes for those who have lost a loved one and are too emotionally drained to do it themselves...volunteered at a local nursing home and read books and prayed and played card games with the residents...watched and cared for young children so their parents could have some time alone...volunteered as a Sunday School for years and years in my former church...reached out to the ragamuffin children in my neighborhood by feeding them meals and loving on them...sending encouraging cards to those who are sad...praying for those who are sick or in need...
Just this morning, my middle daughter received a wayward text message from Leah, who said, "Please pray for me today. Today is my soon-to-be-ex-husband's and my mediation hearing regarding custody of our son." Now, I'm certain she meant this for someone she knew...but it found its way instead to my daughter's cell phone. My middle daughter showed it to me as I was dressing for work.
I texted her back this: "Leah, I don't know you, but I am praying."
She replied, "Oh! Thank you!"
And my daughter and I prayed for Leah at that very moment.
My children are seeing me love others with a servant attitude...and they are now beginning to do the same themselves.
Like my eldest daughter who -- without prompting by adults and with two of her high school girlfriends -- has signed up to volunteer at a local nursing home every Wednesday after school. They play little card games, do puzzles, paint fingernails, and read to the residents there.
Or like my middle daughter who sees a child in need and immediately wants to help. If she is on the playground and she sees another child being bullied or has been hurt by a trip and fall, she is immediately there to assist and comfort.
Or my husband who now is living out this type of loving life, as well. He so enjoyed our marriage conference that he wants to bring it to our local church so that he may help others experience all God has planned for their marriages, as well.
You see, it's in our every day living that we show love for others. I believe Christ would expect us to show this kind of love in our every day lives, as well.
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