Psalm 77:1 - 3

"I cried out to God with my voice -- To God with my voice; And He gave ear to me. In the day of my trouble I sought the Lord; My hand was stretched out in the night without ceasing; My soul refused to be comforted. I remembered God, and was troubled. I complained, and my spirit was overwhelmed." Psalm 77: 1 - 3

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Days 311 & 312 - You Can't Believe It...But It's True!

I think my girlfriends and I are a tad bit sheltered. We know the stories of mothers who neglect their children, but we don't really believe they're living next door to us.

The truth is, neglectful mothers live all around us. They live on our street, in our neighborhood, and they're increasing in numbers every year.

It used to be that a woman learned her mothering and caretaking skills from her own mother. But in today's disjointed society, this is no longer the case. Grandmothers and aunties don't have the influence they once held, either.

In church, we tend to see the good mothers with their happy children.

But I guarantee if you walked some of the streets in your town, you would find hundreds of poor mothers out there.

They don't know how to cook a healthy meal. They don't know how to train up a child. They don't know how to form a bond with their children. They don't know how to properly take care of a home. They don't know how to budget. They expect preschools and schools and the television to raise their child. These mothers are selfish by nature. They will spend hours watching a series of television programs rather than sit with their child and read. They will spend hours on their computer, surfing the internet, rather than go outside and get active with their children. These mothers cuss around their children, shove them to the side, make them fend for food when they're hungry, and neglect them in all manner of ways.

And if you don't believe me...walk the streets of any city and you will see this to be true.

Women don't even take care of themselves, let alone their spouse or children. They don't have proper hygiene. They are sloppy dressers, wearing slippers and sweat pants all day long. They have bags and sags underneath their eyes on a continual basis as they suffer from depression. They relationships with their boyfriends suffer dramatically. And I say "boyfriend" because many women have multiple children by multiple men and switch up living partners faster than I change the sheets on our bed at home.

These women need help! They need a female mentor to come alongside of them and train and teach them how to shop for healthy foods, how to bake a healthy meal, how to spend time with their children, how to take care of themselves, and how to have enough self-respect to set limits on the number of men they sleep with.

God is calling me to help these women...and I am willing to do so. I just need a bit of help in finding my way to start this program and help these lost and hurting families.

Lord, will you guide me and lead me? Will you show me how to do this? Thank you for giving me a heart for these women and families, and help me to serve these women with a loving and kind heart. Amen.

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