I wonder where God will lead in the next year? I am considering doing another year journal, focusing on finding my mission in life and my husband's mission in life. Maybe we'll end up in Puerto Rico...or Jamaica? Who know! Or maybe we'll end up right where we are and doing the same thing we're doing right now?
Anyhow, this morning as I prayed, I asked God to lead my husband and me. I told God I wasn't sure if working full-time and being a business woman was the ideal He had for me, especially since I'm raising three children and time is so precious with them. I told God how I wished I could be available to the church more, but that as it stands now, I am so busy with work and family that I really don't have the time.
So we'll see where God leads in the next year. He has worked mightily this past year...I can't imagine the next would be anything less.
This past weekend was, as usual, a whirlwind of work around the home and extra duties, such as repainting and repairing our 1960s camper. It only sleeps 2 comfortably, so my husband and I would like to sell it and get something that sleeps 4 or 6. We have quite a few years left with our middle and youngest children, so it really is something needed for our budgeted vacations.
We had a crazy man, strung out on drugs and alcohol, invade our yard this past Saturday. He had a shaved head with sweat pouring out of every pore, his eyes were huge and crazy looking, and he was wildly waving his arms and running zig-zag through the neighborhood. He spotted me kneeling in our grass in the front yard and came at me. Thankfully, the children were in the back yard. I thought this man had been shot, or stabbed. I screamed for my husband, who came running to the front yard to find out what the commotion was all about. Crazy man tried to run into our home! I called 9-1-1, and crazy man took off down the street, screaming and wildly waving his arms and yelling for help. He nearly accosted the neighbor man who was peacefully push-mowing his front yard.
My other guy neighbors heard the commotion and came running out in their bare feet. They chased crazy man nearly 4 blocks. I followed crazy man, too, hoping he wouldn't hurt a child wherever he was heading. One of my neighbors who chased him on foot eventually tackled crazy dude to the ground. We waited for police.
Police came and recognized this strung-out male and even had a nickname for him. They placed him on his stomach and cuffed him, then called for an ambulance.
I have never seen Satan face to face, but the terror and fear and hate in this crazy man's eyes was definitely Satanic. It was so scary, in fact, that I had nightmares about it the next night.
I can't believe what our neighborhood and city is becoming. I am actually frightened at times to be in my own yard. I am frightened for my older girls who stay at home alone during the summer time.
Well, thank the Lord that crazy man did not harm me. He could've easily overtaken me and hurt me seriously, as strung out as he was.
Thank the Lord that crazy man didn't hurt anyone else in his rampage through our neighborhood. Amen.
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