He told the story of two men, a deacon and a pastor, who were going door to door witnessing to others. They visited a man who politely declined to believe in Christ. The pastor was friendly and amiable about it, trying to establish a relationship with the man in hopes of coming back again one day. You know, not wanting to offend anyone, he kept it real friendly and light. The deacon, however, had a different style. As the two witnessing men turned to leave the home, the deacon says, "It's your choice to accept Christ or not. But you'll burn like a breakfast sausage in hell if you don't come to know Christ."
Well, the following night the church is holding it's annual tent revival. Following the sermon and altar call, down the aisle walks the man from the night before! After saying the confession of faith and accepting Christ into his heart, the stunned pastor asks, "What made you decide to come to the revival?"
The man replied, "Well, this morning, as I was cooking my breakfast, sausage and eggs, I was haunted by the deacon's words...and I did not want to burn in hell like my breakfast sausage!"
The pastor says that we all have our own preaching/witnessing styles. Some are relationship-driven, where the person forms a relationship first -- talking about fishing or hunting -- and then comes through the back door with words of Life through Christ. This is my pastor. And this is exactly how my pastor helped my husband in His salvation walk.
Others, however, are very blunt about the need for Christ in our lives. No mincing words here, they blurt out some phrases that would stun a seasoned pastor.
Neither one is wrong. Christ uses both. The relational witnesser does not want to offend. And the blunt witnesser does not want to mince words. There is a fine line with both.
I tend to be more of a blunt witnesser. I'll say it straight up. Your life is a mess...until you have Jesus. The devil is your bedmate...until you have Jesus. Quit blabbering about the consequences of sin in your life...you made those choices. Get yourself right with God! I'm not a total sidewalk prophet, but I'm also not going to spend months and months getting around to telling you about Christ.
On a side note, my husband and I signed the refinance papers this morning for our home. This is the first time in nearly 18 years of marriage that I have had my name on the mortgage. I am excited because it's such a grown-up thing to do...but nervous because now I"m accountable for such a large debt.
Which probably means I'll never find a way to stay at home...ever again. I am relegated to the work force until my retirement age now. sigh...
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