Last night was a lunar eclipse. We haven't had a total lunar eclipse, I'm told, since the Pilgrims were in America.
My husband was so excited that he woke everyone up at midnight to go outdoors in the cold and snow to watch with him.
The girls were so excited about it! As the earth passed between the sun and the moon, a dark shadow was cast upon the moon and the sun's light could not reach it.
I am reminded that the sins in our lives do the same. Our sin comes between God....and us, casting a dark shadow over our lives.
In order to keep God's glory shining on us, we need to take away the sin that is blocking His glory from shining down on us.
What is blocking God's light from shining on you today?
The way to remove that sinful barrier is to pray for forgiveness...and repent. Which means to do this sin no more.
Then you will once again be standing in all of God's glory!
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