This morning as I was halway between sleep and wakefulness, I saw God's scripture float across my mind's eye:
"Be Still...And Know That I Am God."
This is found in Psalm 46:10.
I have been so tired lately that I can barely stay awake at work some days. Seems our family is so incredibly busy going and doing and being and seeing that we don't have time to sit still and hear God's voice speaking to us.
The TV is blaring...we're on the laptop after work playing social games...our radio is on in the car...we are busy calling friends on the telephone...we are busy running errands...we get engrossed in cleaning our homes...we rush from one activity to another...and then we crash into bed at night.
When do you have a quiet time to sit in a darkened room, by yourself, on your knees, with NO outside stimuli distracting you?
My husband and I have been praying on our knees every single morning and then we spend time studying God's Holy Word before we rush around the house getting showered and ready for work.
We work all day long, fighting fires at our respective places of employment, then rush home just in time to run a child to play practice, or rush to the athletic club to get our favorite workout equipment before someone else gets it.
And then we crash into bed late at night.
I think this family is in dire need of quiet and rest time. Time to turn off the Disney movies, time to turn off the Christian radio station, time to cancel our pending engagements and just be reflective...so that we may hear God's voice and so that we may KNOW...truly KNOW that our God is...God!
Lord, help us to do more than just schedule You into our busy mornings, our busy evenings, our frantic weekends. Help us to be still...and know that You are God. Amen.
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