Peace and tranquility...they don't last for long.
Already another hurdle, another dilemma, another tumultuous time.
At least I have God now. I can get through anything. One day at a time, with God by my side, I can tackle this tribulation head on and come out rejoicing...I'm 99% sure of it.
This time? It's my marriage.
I can't say I have a great marriage. I can say that it's good at times, really good. And other times, it's really, really awful.
Last night was one of those awful, hit-you-over-the-head-with-a-frying-pan kind of nights. The kind that leave your head spinning and your mind saying, "What just happened here?!!!"
Don't get me wrong, there's no physical abuse.
But there's issues that seem to fester underneath the surface, filling with pus and disgusting stuff, making things around and above red and inflamed and sore...until just the smallest touch makes it squirt out all this vulgar and nasty crap.
Sure, these things heal...but not without scarring.
And there might even be a very obvious scab in its place for quite some time.
I can't explain what happened. It would take too long...plus, it's only one-sided.
But I'm hurt and open and wounded...and not sure if I can heal 100% after this episode.
Love is a wonderful thing. But love is also the worst thing in the world sometimes. You have to open yourself up for potential hurts when you love someone.
The tongue definitely is a destructive device.
Use your words carefully. Because what you shout in anger one minute, just might be the shot across the bow that sinks a comrade's ship.
"Whoever guards his mouth and tongue keeps his soul from troubles." Proverbs 21:23
"Violence covers the mouth of the wicked." Proverbs 10:11
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