Abraham and Sarah had remained childless for years. In fact, they were both very old when an angel told them that within the year, they would have a son. Sarah laughed in disbelief. But the promise came true.
In Sarah's old age, she gave birth to a blessed baby boy, Isaac.
To be sure, Isaac was a very loved and possibly spoiled child. Sarah no doubt doted on the boy, encouraged the boy, beamed at the boy, and loved the boy as no other mother could!
But one day, Sarah died...and when she passed, all of her loving, tender words, physical touch and endless smiles ended, too. Isaac was forlorn and sad. How could anyone comfort him and love him like his mother had?
God chose her: Rebekah, daughter of Abraham's own brother from his home country.
The Bible says in Genesis 24:64 and 67:
"Then Rebekah lifted her eyes, and when she saw Isaac [for the first time] she dismounted from her camel...then Isaac brought her into his mother Sarah's tent; and he took Rebekah and she became his wife, and he loved her. So Isaac was comforted..."
Father, may I learn how to be my husband's comforter, as Rebekah comforted Isaac.
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