As I type this, my Judge is standing before the Human Resources Committee, asking for my pay exception.
I'm not praying that I get it...I am praying that God's will be done...because I know that His will is the best for my life.
I will update this post after I know the results...which may not come for several days.
Yesterday was Election Day, and I had the day off from work. So it was me and my toddler, and I was excited to spend a whole day with her while my older children attended school.
The day started off just fine. I was able to sleep in until 7:00 a.m. Then I had coffee and read my Bible, then because I wasn't working, I dropped my older girls off at their respective schools and headed back home. Got showered and dressed and took my toddler to the local polling booth to cast my votes.
I kept saying the phrase, "You get to go voting with Mommy. How exciting!" And my toddler would smile and say she was excited. But the last time I stated it, my toddler asked, "Will I get wet?"
She thought we were going BOATING, not voting. She had no clue was "voting" meant. Ha Ha Ha!
Anyhow, we drove over to the polling station, I signed in and found an open booth, picked up my black permanent marker and began coloring in the circles. My toddler was antsy, however, and began crawling underneath neighborhing booths, nearly knocking one of them over. Then she ran over to the ballot box and tried grabbing "I voted" stickers....I was finally able to finish my voting, snatched my ants-in-her-pants toddler away from an old woman's purse and mumbled my apologies.
I figured since it was a day off, that I'd take toddler to the library and we'd sit and snuggle and read storybooks. However, toddler would have none of it. She was running between shelves, reaching for any book she could get her hands on and pulling them down. I was chasing behind her, a bit exhausted from our voting experience already. I finally wrangled her into a sitting position and began reading a board book. She was up and running again.
So I figured it was time to just cut my losses and head on home, when I bumped into a friend in the lobby of the library. We tried to have a conversation, but toddler was playing in the water fountain, spraying water all over the floor and down her attire. I took her by the hand, reprimanded her, and then tried to get her to stand still by my legs so I could finish my conversation.
At which point, she threw a fit on the floor, rolling all over the dirty library's lobby floor. I excused myself from the conversation, tried to pick toddler up. She did her stiff-as-a-board routine, complete with hysterics. I had to literally pick her up by the backside of her overalls and drag her out of the library, my other arm full of books.
At which point, my eyeglasses broke and fell on the ground. A screw had apparently fallen out.
I can't see without them, so we had to make a trip to the eyeglasses store to get them fixed.
While they were being fixed, toddler ran to each and every sunglasses tower, pulling them off and trying them on. I gave up. I sat in a chair and sighed and thought, "Phew. I'm exhausted. And it's only 11:30 a.m. How did I do this with my other two children?"
The rest of the afternoon went well, however. After toddler's nap and snack, we played outside in the leaves and sunshine for hours.
Father, I pray that YOUR will be done in my life. Amen.