Thank the Lord for all His goodness in my life!
It has been 83 days since I began this journey, and already, my life is changing.
I am definitely growing closer to the Lord. I am so thankful and humbled that He sees me...He hears me...He guides me once again.
I was thinking about how many Christian women in today's society frown upon a working mother. But you know from my journal entries and from my prayers that I was asking God to lead me in this situation. And He led me directly into a secure, steady, and lucrative position that is helping to support my family, that is providing much-needed health insurance, and is providing for my future retirement.
God knows what my family needs and desires. And He knows what I need and desire. And He is providing. Hallelujah!
The Proverbs 31 woman comes to mind again. Here is a hard-working mama with multiple side businesses, children, a home to run...and granted she had servants to help her, but someone likened my washing machine, my dishwasher, and my vacuum cleaner to my modern-day servants! Isn't that too cute?!
Anyhow, my new focus is on deepending my relationship with my heavenly Father, asking Him to make me a better mother, a better wife, a better employee. A better daughter, a better sister, a better friend.
I am also going to focus my prayers on my husband and his new job and the potential to become a business partner, which has been brought up multiple times by the current owner.
I wanted to share a few steps I took in order to grow closer to my God:
- I pray daily...and I am often on my knees.
- I read my scriptures daily.
- I read God's promises out loud, verbally...there is MUCH power in the spoken word of God.
- I post encouraging scripture around my home.
- I ask the Holy Spirit to come into my life and into my home.
- I journal.
All of these things have brought me closer to God, and I wish the same for you, too.
1 Peter 2:15:
"For it is God's will that by doing right you should put to silence the ignorance of foolish men."
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