Psalm 77:1 - 3

"I cried out to God with my voice -- To God with my voice; And He gave ear to me. In the day of my trouble I sought the Lord; My hand was stretched out in the night without ceasing; My soul refused to be comforted. I remembered God, and was troubled. I complained, and my spirit was overwhelmed." Psalm 77: 1 - 3

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Day 108 - You're Soooooo Wonderful!

My toddler has a wonderful habit of waking up and saying to me -- in her groggy toddler voice -- "You're soooooooo wonderful, Mama."
My heart just soars! Of course it makes me snuggle her up in a tight bear hug and whisper those same words back to her!
I was thinking...I wonder if my Heavenly Father would like me to say those words to Him?
So this morning as my husband and I knelt in prayer before our Heavenly Father, I spoke those same words: "You're Sooooooo Wonderful!"
I think He liked it!
Matthew 21:16 says:
"And Jesus said unto them, 'Have ye never read Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings Thous has perfected praise?'"

Monday, November 29, 2010

Day 107 - Training Up Our Children

This isn't the greatest photo of my children, but it's cute. Here they are, in snowsuits and boots and hats and gloves, getting ready to go sledding with me on a nearby hill.
See the cute little Thanksgiving pilgrim cutouts in the front room window? My youngest made those with her nanny. So cute!
Today my husband and I went over Proverbs 22:6:
"Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it."
Thankfully now my husband CAN train up our children, as well. :)
I read a little ditty on this scripture. The arabic word for "way" literally means "bent." In ancient days when men and soldiers actually found a piece of wood and built their own bows and arrows, each one was so unique in design and feel that they had their own unique "bents," and the owner would spend days and weeks practicing with their new arrow until it made the perfect mark.
The same is true when we raise our children.
Each child is unique and we, as parents, must learn their unique "bent" and train them accordingly.
We must take time to study our children, learn them, and then teach them accordingly.
And when they are old, they will not depart from it.
How amazing is THAT!?

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Days 103 thru 106 - Thanksgiving

Wow...I went THREE days without a journal entry. Life must be so good...and it IS!
Thanksgiving Day was a very relaxed day for the whole family. My husband woke early at 4:30 a.m. and traveled to the hills/mountains to hunt for elk with a friend, Curt. Curt and my husband have been friends for years and years. Curt is military. Very formal man. Perfect manners. And a GRANDE heart!
Curt was injured in Iraq about a year and a half ago. And he's never been the same man since. It seems he aged 25 years due to his illness and injury. He walks with a cane now. His hair is grayer. More deep wrinkles around his eyes and on his brow.
Curt nearly didn't make it back. In fact, his immediate family prayed by his bedside while the chaplain said a final farewell prayer.
But God had other plans for Curt. Curt is living and walks this earth...searching for the answer to why he's still alive. He can't seem to make his way to Christ. But we are praying diligently for Curt and we speak encouraging words to him every time we meet.
Curt and my husband never got their elk. They made their way back to our home for Thanksgiving meal late in the evening. Too bad...I burned the turkey! But Curt ate it anyway, poor man! Thankfully, we had other side dishes to fill our tummies! By the way, the turkey was one my husband had shot during turkey season in Eastern Montana. There were some pin feathers still stuck to just didn't look so appealing, even when I dressed it and put it into the hot oven.
Oh, well. We have each other and we are healthy.
Maybe if you read this, you can add Curt to your prayer list. He's so lost...but I just KNOW God had his salvation in mind when he spared Curt's life.
Black Friday came and went. You know, the day after Thanksgiving when overfed, sleepy Americans crawl out of the warm beds at 3 a.m. and hit up Wal-Mart and K-Mart in search of that special deal that only Black Friday can bring!
Ha! Ha! I was snug as a bug in a rug...I had done all of my shopping online through No lines, no crowds. I sat in my office with my hot cup of coffee in my hands and bargain shopped till I dropped! And then free shipping. You can't beat it!
My husband and I did attend one doorbuster at 8:00 a.m.: Our local Christian bookstore! We were in and out in 20 minutes. Sadly, no crowd there. But we made out like bandits with Christian music CDs and DVDs, posters for the girls rooms, new Bibles for the children, a few knick-knacks. It was the very first time my husband had ever in his entire life entered a Christian bookstore, and he loved it! He says he's now "a doorbuster for Christ"! I love it!
And today is my middle daughter's 11th birthday. Happy Birthday, Dolly! "Dolly" is what I call my girls for pet name.
So all day yesterday, we were busy preparing and decorating for her special birthday party sleepover. SIX GIRLFRIENDS spent the night last night. In fact, they're all spread out in their sleeping bags on my livingroom floor watching a Disney flick. Pizza for dinner, ice cream cake from Dairy Queen, and some board games and the event was a big hit!
This morning, I'll fix apple pancakes and scrambled eggs for breakfast, then shove them out into the snowy morning to build a snowman. After all, you've GOT to make a lasting memory...

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Days 101 & 102 - I Am Still So Amazed!

I still can't believe my husband's radical life change! Each day, he makes my jaw drop to the ground and my eyes fill with tears -- "happy tears," as my toddler says.

Last night, my husband and I re-watched the movie "Fireproof" because my husband said he would have a different perspective now that he knows Jesus as his Savior! So we snuggled up on the couch and watched it together, crying "happy tears" nearly the whole way through.

And this morning, after we had knelt together in prayer before our Lord and after we had read more in the Book of Ezekiel, and after I had gotten to work and turned on my office computer, my husband texted to my cell phone these words:

"The husband provides leadership to his wife the way Christ does to His church; not by domineering, but by cherishing." He says his daily devotional came from the book of Ephesians 5:23.

And then he texted these words next:
"I'm looking forward to the journey that we have for the rest of our lives...till we meet God in Heaven!"

Boy! God is SO good! Far more amazing than I had ever imagined!

Maybe one of these days, I'll quit speaking of all of these marvelous things my husband is saying and doing...but maybe I'm just making up for all the times I whined and complained about him.

We are going to attend Wednesday night church service together as a family. The temperatures here in Montana are ten degrees BELOW zero currently, a blizzard has blown through, but we will warm up our frigid SUV, jump in, and drive to the warm, friendly southern Baptist church that is to become our new "home" and worship God and praise His name in fellowship with other believers.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day and we are going to enjoy it alone. Normally, we have a house full of guests...and I LOVE that! But this year, I look forward to a peaceful, quiet holiday spent in our jammies and slippers as we play board games and sit around the dinner table enjoying our family's "new beginning."

Monday, November 22, 2010

Days 99 & 100 - The Prophet Ezekiel

This is my new photo now for my blog. See the mountains? That's where I was just 100 days ago! And God has led me back down to safety and shelter from the storms that instantly form high atop those magestic mountain ranges.
So my husband and I have been studying Ezekiel. I know...what a complicated book to begin studying as a new Christian, right?! That's what I thought, too, when my husband suggested it.
But we have a King James version that we read, along with a New King James version for further clarification, as well as a study guide that explains this convoluted and prophetic book in the Bible.
And what we are learning together is wonderful! Ezekiel wants us to know that God is everywhere. Ezekiel remind us that worshiping false gods has brought about catastrophe. Ezekiel also emphasizes the need for a new and personal relationship with God, and he assures us that God wants a new covenant of peace with us, as well.
Thank you so much, Father God, for allowing me the opportunity to study your word while snuggled up beside my dear husband and holding tightly to his strong hand, as I listen to his deep voice speaking your words and as we together grow closer not only to each other, but to You.
Realize - by S. Lenzkes
When a message from God
would clear up confusion,
He could write on my wall --
or give the illusion.
But the writing that's there,
it's plain to be seen,
is a simple crayon drawing
that I've yet to clean.
Lord, help me to learn
I won't be receiving
a miraculous sign
wrought through believing;
when each day I can see
and yet don't apply
Your messages looking
straight in the eye.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Days 97 and 98 - Blanket of Snow

This is a photo of the cathedral two blocks from our home. Beautiful, beautiful cathedral built on a smaller scale to resemble those in Europe. It's where our friend Doug had his funeral. It's where we, as a family, attend midnight mass on Christmas Eve.
The snow has come. Cold and peaceful and settling down on everything like a blanket covering the earth. Did you ever notice that after a jeavy snow, the world seems so much more peaceful?
Just like our home is more peaceful, too, now that my dear husband has turned his life over to Christ and was covered with His grace and forgiveness.
We are still praying morning and night, kneeling in reverence to the One True God and Savior, shedding a few stray tears now instead of a gushing river of them. Together, we joyfully and expectantly look toward our future in the raising of our children and in our walk with our Lord.
We are studying God's word, too. It started out that we were going to read the Bible in one year. However, there's just SO MUCH to read and soak in that we have decided to take our time and really study what we're reading and really understand and learn.
My husband attended his first men's prayer breakfast. He loved it! I had been praying for a good experience for him, as well as some dear friends/family praying with me. In fact, my husband enjoyed it so much that he wishes to attend EVERY Friday morning. He enjoyed the hot coffee and homecooked breakfast as he sat in a group of adult men and studied and worshipped God. Praise God for such a wonderful group of men who can become spiritual mentors to my husband.
As well, my husband has requested that our children get involved in Wednesday night youth service. So we will also be attending church as a family on those nights. And, of course, Sundays. Talk about a radical change in someone! My husband used to shout at me to turn off that awful Christian music, would scoff at my Bible reading and prayer time, and would refuse to attend church more than just occasionally.
Praise Jesus for such a radical and life-changing experience in my husband!
Father God of Heaven and Earth, I anxiously look forward to Your leading in our lives as well as the direction you are leading my dear husband. As one of my sweet friends said: It is more than I dreamed, greater that I could ever imagine, and much more than I deserved.
"The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life." Proverbs 14:27

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Day 96 - A Funeral and a Smile

One of our friends passed away on Saturday, and his funeral was today. Doug was always smiling, always cheerful, always encouraging, and always talking about Jesus!
So when we heard that Doug had died...we knew he was in heaven with our Lord and Savior!
Even my husband smiled at Doug's "good fortune" to be in heaven now. My husband even went on to say, "Boy, I'll bet his life here on earth seems like a bad dream, now that he's in heaven with Jesus."
You know what? I think he's almost 100% correct there.
I think that when we finally stand before Jesus and we're in Paradise, we WILL feel as if our time on earth was just some...bad dream.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Day 95 - Amazing. I'm Speechless...and Humbled.

It's only been a few remarkable days since my husband's life turnaround. I am still in shock...a happy type of shock.
I mean, I prayed for 17 years for my husband's salvation. And in one turn of events, BOOM! There it was. And I could not be happier and more optimistic for both of us.
It's difficult to explain, but when we look at each other, it's as if he can see my soul and I can see his. When we touch, it's better than magical. I have a close friend tell me that was "agape" love. Well, whatever it's called, I'm thanking God nearly every hour of my days.
Last night was our anniversary, and my husband and I spent some lovely time together as husband and wife while the children were with a friend.
We again knelt together before the Lord, praying, asking for forgiveness, asking for guidance, and shedding some soul-cleansing tears for the past, as well as happy tears for the future -- now that God is the head of our home.
My husband is definitely saved. He told me so. He says his heart beats faster, his pulse quickens, and he can't find enough time in his day to pray and study God's word. Amazing.
As for me, I now understand what Solomon was talking about in his book: Song of Solomon. Before, I couldn't comprehend that deep of a love for someone...but now I can. I want to run into my husband's arms, look into his eyes, and kiss his lips. Agape love? That's first-rate love. In the book "The Pilgrimage," agape love is described as "the love that consumes." And yes, it sure does.
Thank you, Heavenly Father, for our new "love that consumes" one another, our agape love. How incredible and breathtaking and marvelous. Amen.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Day 94 - My husband's leading

I still can't believe it! My husband is leading prayer time, leading scripture reading...I am still standing with my jaw dropped and my eyes wide. And I have a continuous smile on my face today.
This morning, we knelt before the Lord, hands tightly woven, and prayed again. My husband thanked God for me, for our children, and then asked for God's guidance in our lives.
And at the kitchen table with my husband's grandmother's King James bible from 1942 open, we read God's word. I had asked my husband if he would like me to read, and his response: "No, I'm the spiritual head of our home now. I will read."
So I placed my head against his warm chest and felt his deep voice vibrating against my ear as he read the verses one by one. I sorta giggled inside: My hair had to have the WORST case of bed head ever, but no matter...we studied God's word and looked into each other's eyes and held each other close.
So THIS is what it feels like to have a husband who is following Christ? I love it. I NEVER want it to end. I want to be in my husband's presence every moment of the day now...and I want to please him like I've never longed to do before.
Praise God! God has come...God has spoken...and my husband opened wide his heart and allowed God in. is our 17th wedding anniversary!
I can't imagine how the next 17 years will bring such joy! It's almost like I can't contain my happiness now, and I want to shout to everyone: "My husband loves the Lord! And my husband loves me!"
Lord, may I not say anything or do anything that might hinder my husband's newfound faith in you. May I be a gentle, loving, and honoring wife to him all the remaining days of our marriage. And when my husband messes up -- because he will -- may I learn to forgive him quickly and encourage him in his walk, and in our marriage. Amen.
Hebrews 11:1:
"Now faith is the confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see."

Monday, November 15, 2010

Day 93 - Just a Closer Walk With Thee

I spent my weekend at the office finishing up some work. It was a loooong weekend for me, to say the least, between my struggles on Friday night and working on Saturday and Sunday.
Despite my tired eyes and body this morning, I am optimistic.
My husband has requested that together we kneel in prayer each morning, and also that we read our Bible.
I have longed for this for seventeen years of my marriage.
My prayer is that not only would God lead us to the topic He would have me and my husband study together, but that God would lead our prayer time together, as husband and wife. I am also praying that my husband would find a male Christian mentor, preferably one who is a married man with children, one who can understand my husband's struggles and stresses in being father and husband.
Praise God for His guidance in our lives! Hallelujah!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Day 92 - God is in Control

Have you ever had someone tell you that sometimes, things must get worse before they can get better?
I would say that's so true!
Sometimes it takes hitting rock bottom before someone realizes that they need God in their life.
That has just happened with my husband.
What was one of the most hurtful nights of our marriage has turned out to be one of the greatest turning points in my husband's life.
We attended church today together! The pastor's sermon spoke directly to my husband...and, of course, to me. Lots of tears were shed by both of us.
Several new commitments have been made by my husband...praise God! And had it not been for that awful evening when such angry and hurtful words were spoken, we could not have sought the Lord and sought a better way for our marriage.
"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of heavenly lights who does not change like shifting shadows. He chose to give us birth through the word of truth, that we might be a kind of firstfruits of all that He created." James 1:17-18.
Praise God for leading this family down the path that He has chosen for us. May we continue to grow and to learn His will for our lives. Amen.
If We've Ever Needed You - by Casting Crowns
Hear our cry, Lord, we pray
Our faces down, our hands are raised
You called us out, we turned away
We've turned away
With shipwrecked faith the idols rise
We do what is right in our own eyes
Our children now will pay the price
We need Your light, Lord, shine Your light
If we've ever needed You
Lord, it's now, Lord, it's now
We are desperate for Your hand
We're reaching out, we're reaching out
All our hearts, all our strength
With all our minds, we're at Your feet
May Your kingdom come in our hearts and lives
Let Your church arise, let Your church arise.
If we've ever need You
Lord, it's now, Lord, it's now
We are desperate for Your hand
We're reaching out, we're reaching out...

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Days 89 - 91 Peace is Never For Long

Peace and tranquility...they don't last for long.
Already another hurdle, another dilemma, another tumultuous time.
At least I have God now. I can get through anything. One day at a time, with God by my side, I can tackle this tribulation head on and come out rejoicing...I'm 99% sure of it.
This time? It's my marriage.
I can't say I have a great marriage. I can say that it's good at times, really good. And other times, it's really, really awful.
Last night was one of those awful, hit-you-over-the-head-with-a-frying-pan kind of nights. The kind that leave your head spinning and your mind saying, "What just happened here?!!!"
Don't get me wrong, there's no physical abuse.
But there's issues that seem to fester underneath the surface, filling with pus and disgusting stuff, making things around and above red and inflamed and sore...until just the smallest touch makes it squirt out all this vulgar and nasty crap.
Sure, these things heal...but not without scarring.
And there might even be a very obvious scab in its place for quite some time.
I can't explain what happened. It would take too, it's only one-sided.
But I'm hurt and open and wounded...and not sure if I can heal 100% after this episode.
Love is a wonderful thing. But love is also the worst thing in the world sometimes. You have to open yourself up for potential hurts when you love someone.
The tongue definitely is a destructive device.
Use your words carefully. Because what you shout in anger one minute, just might be the shot across the bow that sinks a comrade's ship.
"Whoever guards his mouth and tongue keeps his soul from troubles." Proverbs 21:23
"Violence covers the mouth of the wicked." Proverbs 10:11

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Day 88 - 7 Lies the Devil Wants You to Believe

You already know that the Devil will do just about anything to get your attention. Did you ever stop to think that he's lying to you about almost everything every day? These lies can become so pervasive that they almost don't seem like lies anymore.

  • The devil wants you to believe that he's stronger than God.
  • The devil wants you to believe that this world is all there you won't consider/ponder Heaven.
  • The devil wants you to believe you're all alone.
  • The devil wants you to believe that free will is a myth...that you have no control over how you think or act or feel.
  • The devil wants you to believe that what you do as one single person can't possibly matter.
  • The devil wants you to lose faith in love and the belief in stress out over things you can't control, to burn out from life's stresses.
  • The devil wants you to believe that he doesn't exist, that he's not real...because if you're not cautious of him, you don't need The Way, The Truth, and The Life.

Taken from

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Days 86 and 87 - Trial days

I have been busy with all-day trials at work these past few days.
I often thought about my purpose in being at this specific court and with these specific attorneys, this specific judge and office staff.
Although I don't understand the legal side of these cases, I do know the spiritual side...and I can pray for all parties involved...which is what I often do.
Like today: There is a terribly injured Petitioner suing his insurer for payment of benefits. It's a nasty fight. The attorneys are arguing back and forth, making objections that the Judge must immediately rule upon. There's tension, nervousness, and sometimes hostility in these proceedings.
So Before each day of trial, I get on my knees and I pray. I pray for the Judge to make wise decisions, and I pray that Jesus would be in the courtroom, guiding the correct verdict.
Sometimes, trials can be so uneasy, so unsettling, and so sad that it's difficult to walk away from it at the end of the day. I pray for the persons involved in the cases, as well.
I just wanted to thank the Lord for providing me with a secure job that pays well...and I can give back to Him by praying for all those involved in these proceedings.
I don't have a lot of time to write today. I'm on my lunch break, scarfing down salad and speghetti with meatballs.
But I pray for God's guidance in this trial...for God's guidance on the Judge's final ruling...and God's guidance on the injured Petitioner's life, as well. Amen.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Days 84 & 85 - Rebekah the Comforter

Abraham and Sarah had remained childless for years. In fact, they were both very old when an angel told them that within the year, they would have a son. Sarah laughed in disbelief. But the promise came true.
In Sarah's old age, she gave birth to a blessed baby boy, Isaac.
To be sure, Isaac was a very loved and possibly spoiled child. Sarah no doubt doted on the boy, encouraged the boy, beamed at the boy, and loved the boy as no other mother could!
But one day, Sarah died...and when she passed, all of her loving, tender words, physical touch and endless smiles ended, too. Isaac was forlorn and sad. How could anyone comfort him and love him like his mother had?
God chose her: Rebekah, daughter of Abraham's own brother from his home country.
The Bible says in Genesis 24:64 and 67:
"Then Rebekah lifted her eyes, and when she saw Isaac [for the first time] she dismounted from her camel...then Isaac brought her into his mother Sarah's tent; and he took Rebekah and she became his wife, and he loved her. So Isaac was comforted..."
Father, may I learn how to be my husband's comforter, as Rebekah comforted Isaac.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Day 83 - In Accordance with His Will

Thank the Lord for all His goodness in my life!

It has been 83 days since I began this journey, and already, my life is changing.

I am definitely growing closer to the Lord. I am so thankful and humbled that He sees me...He hears me...He guides me once again.

I was thinking about how many Christian women in today's society frown upon a working mother. But you know from my journal entries and from my prayers that I was asking God to lead me in this situation. And He led me directly into a secure, steady, and lucrative position that is helping to support my family, that is providing much-needed health insurance, and is providing for my future retirement.

God knows what my family needs and desires. And He knows what I need and desire. And He is providing. Hallelujah!

The Proverbs 31 woman comes to mind again. Here is a hard-working mama with multiple side businesses, children, a home to run...and granted she had servants to help her, but someone likened my washing machine, my dishwasher, and my vacuum cleaner to my modern-day servants! Isn't that too cute?!

Anyhow, my new focus is on deepending my relationship with my heavenly Father, asking Him to make me a better mother, a better wife, a better employee. A better daughter, a better sister, a better friend.

I am also going to focus my prayers on my husband and his new job and the potential to become a business partner, which has been brought up multiple times by the current owner.

I wanted to share a few steps I took in order to grow closer to my God:
  • I pray daily...and I am often on my knees.
  • I read my scriptures daily.
  • I read God's promises out loud, verbally...there is MUCH power in the spoken word of God.
  • I post encouraging scripture around my home.
  • I ask the Holy Spirit to come into my life and into my home.
  • I journal.

All of these things have brought me closer to God, and I wish the same for you, too.

1 Peter 2:15:

"For it is God's will that by doing right you should put to silence the ignorance of foolish men."

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Day 82 - Praise God!

"Oh give thanks to the Lord, call upon His name; make known His deeds among the people! Sing to Him; Sing praises to Him! Tell of all His wondrous works!" Psalm 105:1-2
I can't believe it! The pay exception went through! And not only that...but I received a $3,000 per year RAISE in addition to the pay exception! Hallelujah!
What a relief.
You know what? If the pay exception hadn't gone through, I would've trusted in God and said to myself, "Well, God doesn't want me here any longer. I will find where He wants me to be." I would've been nervous, sure. But I would've believed that God's ways are higher than my ways, and His thoughts are so much better than my thoughts [plans].
Two hours after I received this fabulous news, another judge's office telephoned to see if I was interested in being their court reporter. Thankfully, I could say, "Not at this time."
I not only have a SECURE job, but I have extra money after my monthly bills are paid. And to show God how happy and grateful and humbled I am, I am going to sponsor an orphan child in another country. And I already know just the child.
Her name is "Gig," short for God Is Good. She lives in Africa, and she's only 3 months old. Her mother, unfortunately, could not take care of her, and she would've been an orphan...except my African friend, Umoh, adopted her from America and is trying to send money over for Gig's care, until such time as Umoh is able to bring Gig to America. Currently, Umoh's aged mother is taking care of Gig on a full-time basis. But they're struggling financially. So I am going to pledge to help this little infant girl by sending money to her for her care.
Praise God...I am completely humbled that I have this opportunity to help. And I am so thrilled to know that God has seen me, God has heard me, and God is guiding me.
Now, I will pass God's kindness on to another...

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Days 80 and 81 - Thy Will Be Done!

As I type this, my Judge is standing before the Human Resources Committee, asking for my pay exception.
I'm not praying that I get it...I am praying that God's will be done...because I know that His will is the best for my life.
I will update this post after I know the results...which may not come for several days.
Yesterday was Election Day, and I had the day off from work. So it was me and my toddler, and I was excited to spend a whole day with her while my older children attended school.
The day started off just fine. I was able to sleep in until 7:00 a.m. Then I had coffee and read my Bible, then because I wasn't working, I dropped my older girls off at their respective schools and headed back home. Got showered and dressed and took my toddler to the local polling booth to cast my votes.
I kept saying the phrase, "You get to go voting with Mommy. How exciting!" And my toddler would smile and say she was excited. But the last time I stated it, my toddler asked, "Will I get wet?"
She thought we were going BOATING, not voting. She had no clue was "voting" meant. Ha Ha Ha!
Anyhow, we drove over to the polling station, I signed in and found an open booth, picked up my black permanent marker and began coloring in the circles. My toddler was antsy, however, and began crawling underneath neighborhing booths, nearly knocking one of them over. Then she ran over to the ballot box and tried grabbing "I voted" stickers....I was finally able to finish my voting, snatched my ants-in-her-pants toddler away from an old woman's purse and mumbled my apologies.
I figured since it was a day off, that I'd take toddler to the library and we'd sit and snuggle and read storybooks. However, toddler would have none of it. She was running between shelves, reaching for any book she could get her hands on and pulling them down. I was chasing behind her, a bit exhausted from our voting experience already. I finally wrangled her into a sitting position and began reading a board book. She was up and running again.
So I figured it was time to just cut my losses and head on home, when I bumped into a friend in the lobby of the library. We tried to have a conversation, but toddler was playing in the water fountain, spraying water all over the floor and down her attire. I took her by the hand, reprimanded her, and then tried to get her to stand still by my legs so I could finish my conversation.
At which point, she threw a fit on the floor, rolling all over the dirty library's lobby floor. I excused myself from the conversation, tried to pick toddler up. She did her stiff-as-a-board routine, complete with hysterics. I had to literally pick her up by the backside of her overalls and drag her out of the library, my other arm full of books.
At which point, my eyeglasses broke and fell on the ground. A screw had apparently fallen out.
I can't see without them, so we had to make a trip to the eyeglasses store to get them fixed.
While they were being fixed, toddler ran to each and every sunglasses tower, pulling them off and trying them on. I gave up. I sat in a chair and sighed and thought, "Phew. I'm exhausted. And it's only 11:30 a.m. How did I do this with my other two children?"
The rest of the afternoon went well, however. After toddler's nap and snack, we played outside in the leaves and sunshine for hours.
Father, I pray that YOUR will be done in my life. Amen.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Day 79 - Family Fun

Whether you agree or disagree with celebrating Halloween, you have to admit that spending time together as a family is always a win/win situation.
We celebrated Halloween yesterday with a house filled with about 30 guests, adults and children, a buffet table filled with food and dessert, hot apple cider, fun music, and time spent with friends and family.
We all dressed up: I was an Olympic snowboarder with my snowboarding helmet/goggles, snowpants and turtleneck. My eldest daughter was Tigger, from Winne-the-Pooh, my middle daughter was a prom queen in my former high school prom dress, a tiara and long, curly blonde wig. My youngest was a lady bug...although she'd changed costumes about three times before finally deciding. And my husband even dressed up in a pink wig, a pink feather boa, and bright pink lipstick with large, movie-star sunglasses.
We had a blast preparing our home with festive autumn decor, pumpkins and spider webs and spiders across the front doorway. We made caramel apples, popcorn balls -- although the the popcorn balls had to be thrown away because they didn't turn out correctly -- and had hot apple cider with cinnamon steaming on the stove top.
Our guests each brought a dish to pass, were also dressed up for the fun night ahead, and chatted away beside the large fire we'd built in our livingroom's 100-year-old fireplace.
It really was a special and fun-filled evening together!
After all of our guests had their share of candies and pie and lasagna, and after we spent an hour picking up the leftover mess from our gathering, my girls excitedly told me of all their fun that evening. And when it was time for bed and I was tucking them each into their warm beds, each child hugged me and repeated over and over, "Thank you, Mama, that was SO much fun!"
My husband even enjoyed conversing with all of the guests and laughing at silly costumes.
Thank you, Father, for our fun-filled evening as family...sharing our home and making memories together. Amen.