It felt like the old days when I stayed at home with my two eldest children and we would spend days at the library or take long walks downtown together. It was totally refreshing!
I am back at work this week. My mother-in-law shows up next weekend, so we are busy preparing the house for her arrival. I have not spoken with my MIL in about 3 or 4 years, so I have been praying that things go well. She was originally scheduled to arrive on Sunday and stay one night, but she has changed plans and will arrive on Monday, just staying a few short hours. I will probably be at work during her arrival and short visit...so I may not even get a chance to speak with her. But she plans on taking my older girls off and about for a week, and then coming back to my home the following weekend to stay a night or two.
Since my husband has been working weekends while the owner of the business is away, I have been on my own parenting three children and taking care of our home. I have also been on my own to pray and to study the Bible each day. I do enjoy praying and studying with my husband...but nothing compares to my time alone with the Lord in deep and heartfelt prayer, and studying God's word, just me and the Lord.
Last Friday morning after praying that God would help me through my struggles in life, I turned to the book of 1 Samuel, the story of Hannah and her own process of grief and struggle, and the process she took during and after. I decided to write down Hannah's process to use as my own guideline when I am facing struggles.
Here's what I found: (1) Hannah cried out to God and poured her heart and soul out to Him. Despite the fact that Hannah was the favorite wife to her husband and was taken very well care of by him, she still suffered in that she was barren and could not produce a child. Sometimes I feel as if I shouldn't complain about the struggles in my own life because I have it "good" in other areas. But just like Hannah, I can take all of my worries and grief to the Lord.
(2) Hannah made a vow to the Lord, that if he would bless her and answer her request, she would in turn do something for the Lord, offer a sacrifice to Him of her firstborn son. Now, I don't believe we need to make vows to the Lord in order to have him answer our prayers, but Hannah's vow shows the depth of her desire for a child. As modern-day humans, we, too, may be so desperate for God to intervene and answer our requests that we speak a vow, as well.
(3) After Hannah cried out to the Lord, she left all of her worries at the Lord's feet. The Bible tells me that after Hannah cried out, she felt better, relieved in spirit and body. Where as prior to pouring out her soul she would not eat food, after pouring out her soul to the Lord she was immediately able to eat. I need to learn to leave my suffering at the feet of Jesus and move about through my day, knowing that the Lord will take care of it.
(4) The Bible says that the Lord listened to Hannah's grief and cries, and "in time" the Lord answered Hannah's request and Hannah bore a son. God hears me when I cry out to Him. Although he did answer Hannah's request, God may or may not answer mine.
(5) Hannah fulfilled her vow to the Lord. She took her firstborn son and gave him to the priest, to be of service to the Lord. If I speak a vow to the Lord, I must fulfill my vow. I can only imagine how sad and melancholy Hannah was the day she took her toddler up to the priest and handed him over. It's not even like the priest was living a very godly life himself. In fact, he wasn't even raising his own boys to live godly lives. But Hannah had promised the Lord...and she went through with her vow, despite any misgivings and fears she might have had.
Lord, I gave to you my request to be at home more often with my children, just as Hannah gave to you her request for a child. I will trust that you have heard my cry...and if you should lead me to a place in my marriage where I CAN stay at home more, so be it. But if not...that will be your will. Amen.
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