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Funny how I thought I could get it all down pat within one year's time. But God truly has worked marvelous things in my life and my family's life since this journey began.
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My life has settled into a nice routine with my husband, my job, and my children. My marriage is stronger than ever. It's not perfect by any means, but it's 100% better than it was when I began writing this! PTL! (Praise the Lord!)
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Today I am researching hotels and/or camping areas in the Seattle, Washington, area. I would like to take my eldest daughter out that way to look at a few colleges. Whitworth College, in Spokane, and Seattle Pacific University, in Seattle. Both private colleges with tuition running around $35,000/year. But with grants and scholarships, I am hoping to get that knocked in half. They're both smaller Christian colleges, Whitworth the smaller of the two, with plenty of academic success at both and small student-to-teacher ratios. Plus, both colleges offer mission trips both locally and internationally, church services throughout the busy week, and fun groups for the college kids. I'm leaning towards SPU, however, after watching their on-line video of the campus and college life. I think it would be a better fit for my eldest, as well: Seattle has the type of coffee-shop atmosphere that my daughter loves here at home.
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This past weekend was Memorial Day weekend. I had yesterday off of work. It rained, sleeted, hailed, and snowed all weekend long. Well, except for a few hours on Saturday when I mowed the yard and did some gardening outdoors. Sunday was church and nap. Monday was nap and a cinemark movie with the children. My youngest had never been to a theater before. She had to potty during the middle of the movie, and she yelled out, "Can you press pause, please? I have to pee!" She thought we had a remote control to press "pause" until she returned. Too funny!
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I realized yesterday, after having been at home for 3 days straight performing household chores and referree-ing three rambunctious children that I'm not cut out to stay at home full-time. I was anxious to get back to work today. Part-time would be best, but I am thankful for my position and my pay and my benefits. Thank you, God.
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I am plugging away at my biblical counseling studies. Yesterday I was so frustrated that I wondered why I had even begun these on-line courses. I squeeze study time after hours, after I've worked all day. I squeeze study time in at home...but am constantly interrupted by my children. I created more things to do on my to-do list by signing up for these classes. And I honestly struggled with the fact that I might not even succeed at this? Or else how God can actually use me in this?
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I prayed today on my lunch break. One of the topics of conversation with God was how I just wanted to NOT make anymore mistakes. You know, like signing up for biblical counseling classes if I might fail...or other such things. And then I just said, "God, I"m done talking and asking...I just want to sit in your presence, at your feet, and feel some peace and total comfort." So that's what I did. I knelt beside my four-poster bed, silently soaking up the Lord.